FlexVey PUR

FlexVey PUR

Highly efficient, flexible, and innovative

The FlexVey PUR system is an innovative conveying mechanism for feed transport. It comes with a spiral hose made using top-quality polyurethane that makes FlexVey PUR highly resistant to wear and tear. The mechanism ensures your feed reaches the house safely from the silo while keeping the quality intact. An innovative feed supply solution, FlexVey PUR also has a long service life, ensured by several endurance tests.


  • Operates with very little noise and has a great conveying capacity
  • Extremely resistance to wear and tear and a longer service life than traditional systems since made with polyurethane
  • Comes with the option of retrofitting
  • Ensures the risk of failure is minute


  • The system is available in two diameters, 75 and 90 mm
  • There is no complicated mounting on the corners