

Accurate and hygienic liquid feeding system for piglet rearing

HydroAir is a liquid feeding system which has been developed by Big Dutchman for piglet rearing. It can be used for piglets with weights from 6 to 40 kg, but can also be used for feeding of sows. HydroAir is equally well suited for small and large operations – from 500 to 4500 piglets.

It can be used for the preparation of feed mixes from up to 40 different components thus providing flexibility in the use of low cost ingredients. The feed can be prepared per valve (minimum quantity is 8 litres if a 180 litre tank is used) and, if the same feed mix is used, simultaneously for several valves, which saves a lot of time.

Thanks to the compact design of the system, HydroAir may be installed in very small feed kitchens without problems.


  • Residue-free delivery of feed
  • No feed remains in feed lines
  • Vitamins and minerals can be fed without problems
  • Phase feeding is possible
  • Optimal hygienic condition


  • Stainless steel mixing tank with turbo agitator and tank cleaning device
  • Electronic weighing with 100 g scale resolution
  • Feed valves consisting of T-ball valve and control unit for electro-pneumatic operation