

The perfect computer for controlling natural ventilation in your barn

Natural ventilation is crucial in poultry and pig houses in regions without frost. Big Dutchman provides the perfect computer for controlling natural ventilation in your barn at a reasonable price. The system uses a well-proven concept employing roller curtains with electric winches on both long sides of the building to control the air exchange. Breezy controls each curtain automatically and independently of each other, based on the temperature. It is also supported by data from a weather station.


  • Provides an easy system to control natural ventilation in your barn at a reasonable price
  • It uses a well-proven concept employing roller curtains with electric winches on both long sides of the building
  • Automatically and independently controls each curtain
  • Possible to integrate with a local weather station to determine wind speed and direction, depending on availability and accuracy of date provided
  • Compatible with BigFarmNet for poultry (for pig from November 2021)


  • Coloured 7-inch display with a clear structure
  • With its 12 relays, Breezy controls:
    • up to 2 recirculation fans
    • up to 4 actuators / electric winches
    • heating and cooling
    • up to 3 air exit flaps
  • Available for connection are:
    • up to 3 temperature sensors
    • one CO2 sensor
    • one humidity sensor
    • one water meter